Monday, 17 June, 2024

A prisoner over drug-related crimes was executed in Central Prison of Borujerd


Human Rights in Iran – On Wednesday, April 29th 2020, Soleiman Mirzaei, the prisoner accused of drug-related crimes, imprisoned in Borujerd Central Prison, was executed. After his arrest, this inmate was interrogated and charged with drug-related crimes. Later he was sentenced to death and the verdict was upheld by the country’s Supreme Court.

According to Human Rights in Iran, Soleiman Mirzaei, 36, accused to possession and trafficking drugs, jailed in Borujerd Central Prison who was transferred to the solitary confinement in recent days, was executed at dawn on Monday, 27th (2020).

According to an informed source: ” Soleiman Mirzaei was arrested in Bojnourd province in 2014 on charges of trafficking crystal and heroin “.

It should be said, this is the fifth prisoner who is executed since the beginning of Ramadan. In previous years, the death penalties were almost suspended during Ramadan. Last year (2019) only one prisoner had been executed during Ramadan.

It is not clear that after the anti-drugs law and revising the cases of those sentenced to death and life Imprisonment, why this prisoner was executed.

Since the beginning of 2020, at least five prisoners have been executed in Iran on drug-related charges.

According to the annual report by Amnesty International in 2019, the Iranian government executed at least 251 people. At least 4 of those executed were under the age of 18 at the time of crime. However due to the lack of transparency of the authorities, it is difficult to find out the actual number of executions in this country and it may be much higher than the announced figures.

Considering the International Instrument of Human Rights and also the Article 5 in Universal Declaration of Human Rights, no one should be treated in a manner that causes their degradation and humiliation.

On February 18, 2020, Amnesty International released a report describing human rights abuses in Iran, in which issued a report on the issuance and enforcement of death sentences: “International human rights law allows acts involving same-sex sexual intercourse with reciprocal consent and extramarital sex; muharebeh (enmity against God), spreading corruption on earth, insulting Mohammed the prophet and fighting against Islamic State are crime titles punishment of which is execution and hanging while there is no vague definition for them, yet.”

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